

at the 1998 ACC

Atlanta, Georgia

March 28-31, 1998

T Wave Alternans in Patients with Idiopathic or Coronary Artery Disease Associated Ventricular Tachycardia.

J Am Coll Cardio Feb. 1998; Special Issue: 483A

P. Kluge, A.Posselt, A. Neugebauer, K.Witting, C. Meyer, T. Walter, D. Pfeiffer.

Department of Cardiology, University Leipzig, Germany

Background: TWA ( T Wave Alternans) represents a risk for development of ventricular tachycardia (VT). In CAD ( Coronary Artery Disease) patients there is a strong correlation between occurrence of VT and electrical instability measured by TWA analysis. For idiopathic VT are only few data available.

Methods: To determine the incidence of TWA, we studied 10 patients with idiopathic VT, and 15 patients with CAD associated VT, TWA analysis was done at rest and during exercise.

Results: TWA was determined as positive when Valt>1.9 uV, and ratio>3.

TWA at rest

TWA during exercise


Positive N=5

Negative N=10

Positive N=15

Negative N=0

Idiopathic VT

Positive N=0

Negative N=10

Positive N=8



Conclusions: Positive TWA shows a strong correlation with electrical instability in CAD patients with documented VT. In VT patients with no structural heart disease TWA is positive even in 80%. However, in idiopathic VT patients higher heart rates during physical activity are necessary to detect TWA.


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